Small stuff. Big impact.
Have you ever tried to change your behaviour? Of course, you have. Every day, millions of people worldwide try to eat less junk food, stick to an exercise regime, use their phone less often, and so on.
Changing behaviour is hard. If it were easy, then everyone would be getting in on the act and no one (including you) would subscribe to this newsletter.
But if we break change down into tiny little things to do differently every day, we will have a big impact over time. Nerds (like me) refer to this idea as Marginal Gains Theory. Feel free to name-drop that at your next dinner party.
So big changes can actually be made by making small adjustments to our behaviour.
What you’ll find at One Percent Better.
Every week, I share a practical tip, gadget, research finding, or strategy that will improve your life. It might be something to make you happier, healthier, more productive, or live a more impactful life.
Who am I?
I am a self-optimisation junkie. I love nothing more than a practical tip to improve my life.
I’m also a science geek, of the psychological variety (my Doctorate was in Organisational Psychology). The only thing better than a practical tip is one that is also backed by evidence.
When I’m not penning my thoughts to you, I’m probably busy hosting the top-ranking podcast How I Work (5 million downloads and counting), working at Inventium (the behavioural science consultancy I founded many years ago), and writing books such as Time Wise.
Subscribe to get practical (and awesome) life hacks.
I spend hours every week reading research, checking out new tools, apps and gadgets, and experimenting - all in the pursuit of better health, having a bigger impact at work, making life easier, being a better parent / partner / friend, and ultimately living a more fulfilling life.
Subscribe to One Percent Better to receive weekly tips on how to make your life a little bit better.
And if you’d like to support my work in a small way, you might like to become a paid subscriber. As well as weekly life hacks, you’ll also gain access to:
A quarterly Ask Me Anything event, exclusive to subscribers.
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However you wish to join us on this journey, I’m just happy that you’re here.
Amantha x